About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission

Into The Light is a studio ministry that partners with Christian authors and speakers to produce documentaries, podcasts, and video resources on biblical sexuality.
Our Vision

Our Vision

We exist to see a generation of Christians who delight in God's good design for sexuality and are equipped to face sexual sin.

Meet the ITLM Team

Jacob & John-Michael

Jacob & John-Michael

Jacob Valk (left) is the Co-Executive Director and Co-Founder of Into The Light Ministries. He holds a B.A. from Brock University and an M.Div from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing his Ph.D at SBTS. Jacob directed and produced the documentaries Ordinary Commission and Into The Light and runs the podcast Chats Under The Sun. He has written for The Gospel Coalition Canada, Radical, and Christ Over All. 

John-Michael Bout (right) is the Co-Executive Director and Co-Founder of Into The Light Ministries. He holds a B.A. from Brock University and is working on an M.Div at SBTS. John-Michael directed and produced the documentaries Ordinary Commission and Into The Light. He is married to his lovely wife Jessica, and they have three boys. 

Nathan Massengill
Into The Light Team Member
Sherubine Theva
Into The Light Team Member

Board of Directors and Advisors

Dee Buscetto
Sam Emadi
Garry Postma
Glen Slingerland
Jeremy Bout
Steve Langendoen
Owen Hebbert
Art Van Halteren
John-Michael Bout
Jacob Valk


Statement of Faith

Into The Light Ministries, and all those on the Board of Directors and Executive Team hold to the historic Christian faith.

WE BELIEVE in One God who exists in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE that The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, though human authors, and are the supreme and final authority in all matters on which they speak.

WE BELIEVE that God created the first humans free from sin, but through their disobedience, were banished from God’s presence. As a consequence, all humans inherit a corrupted nature and are incapable of being made right with God through their efforts.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God who, fully God and fully man, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died upon a cross for the salvation of the world, was buried, rose again the third day, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to judge the living and the dead.

WE BELIEVE forgiveness of sins, newness of life, and entrance into the Kingdom of God is only possible through the free gift of salvation, made possible by the person and work of Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE that the local church is the primary institution that God gave for the spiritual formation and accountability for the Christian life.

WE HOLD to the Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality.

WE AFFIRM the Danvers statement.